Zoning Info about Neversink NY
Zoning Map (our property is in a Rural Conservation (RC) District)
The Schedule of DIstrict Regulations for Neversink, NY
Neversink 1991 Master Plan with information about Zoning Districts
Neversink has a Comprehensive Plan, Zoning, Subdivision, Site Plan and Planning Board according to this NYS study
Below is some information from the Town of Neversink:
FEMA Flood Community: # 360828
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Region 3 (I doubt this applies)
Agricultural District 4 (It does not look like this applies to our lot)
Climate Zone 6
Wind Speed: 90 MPH
Snow Load: 74 psf
R301.2 Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria
o) [NY] The ground snow loads to be used in determining the design snow loads for roofs are given in Figure R301.2(6) for sites at elevations up to 1,000 feet. Sites at elevations above 1,000 feet shall have their ground snow load increased from the mapped value by 2 psf for every 100 feet above 1,000 feet.
From Figure R301.2(6), the base snow load for Sullivan County is 50psf. Our site has an elevation of 2,200 ft.
2,200 ft - 1,000 ft = 1,200 ft.
1,200 ft /100 ft = 12.
12 * 2 psf = 24PSF
50PSF + 24PSF = 74PSF
Frost Depth: 48 inches
Insulation (IRC -N1102.1.2) R-49 Ceilings R-30 Base Ceiling R-20 + 5 walls (new wood frame)
Building Department Approvals
For the Permit application we need:
2 sets of stamped Construction Plans
Truss Package - Fire Department Placarding (?)
Approved Septic Design NYS Stamped
Foundation Plan NYS Stamped
Electrician - Sullivan County License only - Copy of License
Third-Party Inspections for LP Gas and Electrical
NYS Workman's Compensation Blanket Insurance Policy from all contractors
For Energy Code we need:
Air Exchange System Design, Model Installation Manual
Heat Load Calculations, Heating Unit Model, Installation Manual
Cooling Load Calculations, Cooling Unit Model, Installation Manual
Basement Insulation Code Compliant
House Blower Door Test, 3rd Party Contractor Copy of Certifications
Duct Blasting Test, 3rd Party Contractor Copy of Certifications